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I'm not opposed to the game's style or gameplay, I found it promising.
FYI, I only played on the normal difficulty.
The following is a list of subjective criticisms that are worded as to be positive, not derogatory:


-Immediately, the game has somewhat choppy performance (10-15 FPS), nominally, a user would be able to see what affects performance, I suspect there's some code that is lagging the process or a lack of performance-enhancing techniques (LOD, for example).

-Hit detection, possibly as a result of the aforementioned, is incredibly iffy, and some weapons are coin-tosses whether the enemy will get hit, and further if you'll be able to tell that they have (the blood damage effect doesn't appear consistently).

-The melee alt-fire on the shotgun seems incredibly specific, in case the game is using raycasts, make sure that there's multiple well-ranged raycasts rather than one short raycast.

Weapon Balancing

-The machinegun and revolver (later, dual revolvers wink wink) share the same range and use, with the damage of the latter balancing the fire rate of the former, with the revolver(s) seeming to have a higher DPS.

-Additionally, the alt fire of the machinegun has the most shotty hit detection, and has quite the low usage regardless.

-The super shotgun is underwhelming, it's mostly worse than the default shotgun (imo).

Enemy Balancing

weirdly tanky and small flying enemy with high damage
incredibly annoying small swarm enemies (well known in quakelikes obv)
shotgun enemy can borderline snipe you, and is extremely oppressive.
In return, you're better off cheesing the game and sniping the enemies rather than risking yourself by moving in.

Last note

The level design feels made not in tandem with the movement, it feels very small and claustrophobic, restricting your movement, additionally, the movement is too precise to be smooth.

in other words, skill issue lmao

Overall, I'm excited to see where the game goes, though it was a bit infuriating to me.


I really liked the demo, blocky fast quake-like is definitely a thumbs up!

Full Demo NO Commentary

(1 edit) (+1)

First of all, you have a great game here. I just wishlisted it on Steam.

My only "complaints", just things you could improve are:

Randomize the pitch of the weapon shoot sound just a little bit, hearing the same exact sound is kinda annoying on the ears;

Given the weapon, add a push back to the enemy if they got hit by a big weapon like the double barrel;

I think you should be able the cancel the crouch dash at any time, not after a fixed time

Nevertheless, congratulations! I'll be keeping my eyes on this. :)

Thank you for your kind words and feedback, it's much appreciated. The weapons do have a slight pitch shift, however it may need to be increased. Weapon audio has been the main criticism I've gotten so far, so I plan on doing a total overhaul on the SFX soon to address all of that feedback. 

I will also look into your other suggestions, I did have push back on the shotgun at one point but it felt overpowered, so I will likely revisit this to try and balance it out a bit. 

I agree about slide canceling, so will look into this. 

Thanks again :) 

Hey hey! My girlfriend gave this a shot (no pun intended) and she enjoyed it; even dressed for the game!




Nice this was really good demo game so far I like it so much and is on my wishlist now anyway well done keep it up!

Thank you for playing and wishlisting, really means a lot! :)